Sunday, September 23, 2007

Save Our Constitution

When I started this blog, my intention was to blog about real estate, the business that I'm in. I will continue to blog about real estate, however, from time to time, I will diverge to other areas that I feel strongly about.

Last week, General Petraeus submitted a long awaited report to Congress about the progress of the war in Iraq. After this report, placed a now infamous ad in the newspaper using a play on words questioning the political nature of the content of this report. Now, this blog is not intended to make any judgement of this ad, nor is it intended to take a political position on the war. This blog posting is intended to remind the American people that we have a Constitution that guides this country. Among other rights that our Constitution grants all Americans is the right to "free speech". This right allows all Americans to speak out about their beliefs and that includes the right to speak out against the Government.

This ad offended some, including George Bush. He spoke out against the ad (his right) and then the Republicans introduced a resolution in Congress condemning and the ad. Our Congress actually took the time to debate this resolution and vote on it. Our Congress, Republicans and Democrats, actually passed this resolution.

How can the American people just accept this? Agree with or not, can we at least agree that our Constitution grants them the right to their opinion? How can we not be outraged that our elected officials wasted time in introducing this resolution, wasted time debating this resolution and wasted time voting to pass this resolution. Considering this right to free speech, this resolution is unconstitutional and our Congress, our elected officials, have violated the Constitution that they have taken an oath to defend.

Think about this! Consider what's happening within our Government! Speak out (it's your right as an American). Take back our rights and Save Our Constitution!

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